How do you manage Personal reputational risk?

April 1, 2024 by Mike Manazir – (4-5 minutes)

Sarah Reynolds, a mid-level manager at a bustling corporation found herself in the midst of a corporate tempest. The phone call she just received from a furious customer echoed in her mind. It seemed one of her subordinates had made a critical blunder, jeopardizing not only the firm’s relationship with the client, but also its reputation.

In Sarah’s moment of distress, her mentor, Gloria, swooped in. With a knowing smile and a cup of coffee in hand, Gloria approached Sarah’s desk, asking, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Sarah, the brave warrior caught in the crossfire of corporate chaos! What fresh calamity has the universe bestowed upon you today?”

Sarah shakes her head and sighs, “Oh, Gloria, it’s a doozy this time. Gerald made a colossal blunder with a crucial client. They’re fuming, and it’s going to cost the firm a pretty penny to make things right. Our reputation is hanging by a thread.”

Gloria nods sympathetically. “Ah, the perils of the corporate jungle! But fear not, dear Sarah. Every storm cloud has a silver lining. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and embark on a reputation rescue mission!” [cue a chorus of triumphant horns!]

Sarah, with a hint of desperation cries, “But Gloria, what about my reputation? What will the client and the people I work with think of me? This is ‘big’ and it’s going to spread like wild fire. What do I do about Gerald?”

Gloria smirks, “Ah, reputation, the lifeblood of the corporate ecosystem! Don’t worry. We’ll emerge from this tempest stronger and wiser than ever before. It’s all about how you navigate the aftermath of an event that will really define your reputation.”

Sarah, intrigued, asks, “So, what’s the plan, Gloria? How do I protect myself, salvage our relationship with the client, reassure the people I work with, and support Gerald through this ordeal?”

Gloria reassures Sarah. “Well, my dear Sarah, we’ll start by taking decisive action to remedy the situation with the client. Apologize sincerely, take personal accountability, and outline your plan to address their concerns. Most importantly, ensure that they feel valued and respected.”

Sarah nods thoughtfully. “And what about my reputation with my boss and my team?” Gloria smiles. “Trust is the cornerstone of leadership. By taking ownership of the situation, demonstrating accountability and rallying your team to find solutions, you’ll earn the respect and admiration of all who witness your courage in the face of adversity.”

Sarah, now seeing the path to success, commits, “Okay. I’m ready to tackle this head-on, Gloria! With your encouragement and a dash of optimism, I think we can weather this storm.”

Gloria proudly cheered Sarah on. “That’s the spirit! Remember, in the crucible of crisis lies the opportunity for greatness. Now get out there and reclaim your reputation!”

Sarah embraced Gloria’s advice. She sprang into action, engaging her team to develop a series of solutions to salvage the situation. She reached out to the irate client, offering a heartfelt apology and a detailed plan to rectify the mistake. With authentic humility, Sarah navigated the delicate dance of reputation repair, earning an even deeper level of the client’s trust and respect.

Simultaneously, Sarah turned her attention to her team, using the unfortunate circumstance as an opportunity to teach and then reassure them in the face of adversity caused by Gerald’s mistake. Most importantly, she included Gerald in the discussion, asking him to tell his story so that others could learn. She valued him and his testimony to the team. She rallied her troops around a shared vision of accountability and excellence, fostering a culture of resilience and teamwork that would serve as the foundation for their collective success.

As the dust settled and the storm clouds parted, Sarah emerged from the crucible of the crisis stronger and more resilient than ever before. Her reputation, once teetering on the brink of disaster had been salvaged through her unwavering commitment to doing what was right, even if it cost the company resources to fix the problem.

In the eyes of her boss, the company executives, her peers, and especially her subordinates, Sarah had become more than just a mid-level manager—she was a beacon of leadership, a shining example of grace under pressure, and a true corporate superhero. As she basked in the warm glow of victory, Sarah knew that Gloria’s guidance had been crucial. It gave her fresh confidence to follow her conscience and always do what she thought was right.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.
 If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.

-Warren Buffett

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